Saturday, July 13, 2013

Things I love about me + why that's not arrogant


Does this sound arrogant, that I'm making a list of things that make me awesome? Probably, but I don't think it should. Everyone should think they're awesome. Sometimes I feel like we're not "allowed" to admit when we're good at things. If someone asks me if I'm smart, I don't feel like I can say yes, even though I know I am. I have to do a little  "ermm...sorta...yeah...I guess so...maybe" kind of answer. But what's so wrong with admitting that?It feels a little awkward to do this post, but hey, awkward things can be fun.

  1. I'm smart, like school smart. I make good grades. I test well. I'm in the top of most of my classes. (Street smart...not so much.) But I also think I'm good at not being annoying about it and making other people feel stupid.

  2. I have fantastic taste in music. Please ask me for recommendations, that makes me so happy.

  3. I'm really sarcastic and cool people think that's funny. I have a really dry sense of humor and sometimes people don't catch it but sometimes I can really make people laugh and I like that.

  4. I'm good at making adults love me. I'm great at being polite and making small talk so parents or older friends tend to love me.

  5. I'm good at reading. Is this a skill? Kinda. I'm a fast reader I guess I should say. And I have great taste in books (again, I think).

  6. I'm good at fishtailing (a kind of braid).

  7. I'm athletic and strong. Like for my size, which is small.

  8. I'm great at arguing, especially in formal debate. I think logic & debate was one of the best classes I've taken. Because of it, I can point out your fallacies all day.

  9. I'm good at being excited about silly things that most people don't care about, like whale sharks.

  10. I'm good with kids. I don't want kids, but they tend to like me.

  11. I'm adventurous! I want to travel everywhere and do awesome things.

  12. I'm good at accessorizing! Especially with statement necklaces.

  13. I have cool looking eyes. Sometimes they're brown, sometimes they're green, sometimes I've got one of each.

  14. I'm pretty. That was the hardest one to write and I'm convinced you're all gonna judge me, but hey, I think so. And I think you should think you're pretty too.

  15. I'm good at time management. I'm rarely late for things and I almost always get things done when I want to even if I only have a short amount of time.

  16. I'm really good at spelling. When I was younger, I was in a lot of spelling bees, so now I know how to spell weird things like antediluvian.

  17. Semi-related, I kick butt at Scattergories and Scrabble.

  18. I plan for the future.

  19. I'm naturally curious about lots of things.

  20. I don't take myself too seriously.

Join the awkwardness--what's good about you? What makes you awesome?

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By the way, I got this idea from another blog who called it an "Awesome List" but for the life of me, I can't figure out who it is. If anyone knows the blog, please let me know so I can credit!


  1. I love this post! I always feel like we aren't allowed to tell people what we're good at either. I always feel so self absorbed! You're awesome.

  2. Ahh thanks, you're awesome too! And I think being a little self-absorbed is not bad! Confidence is soo underrated. Thanks for your encouragement!

  3. This is a nice list you've compiled, Allie!

    And here's where I first saw the Awesome List: :)

  4. Yes!!! Thank you, that was it.

  5. I would love some music recommendations. I'm pretty bored with what I'm listening to. That could be a post! Nice job patting yourself on the back. We should all do it more often.

  6. Glad to hear you like music posts! I'll be posting one tomorrow I think.

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