Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4 Genius TEDTalks

For those of you who have been following along the blog and have seen my goal in the last Weekly Wishes post, you know I watched lots of TED Talks this week. In short, TED Talks are short lectures (5-30 minutes, generally) on anything that’s an “idea worth spreading”. I love watching TED Talks, but just don’t get around to watching them often for whatever reason. So, I made it my goal this week to watch one or two every night and I succeeded, for the most part! Here were my favorites this week:

1. David Gallo: Underwater Astonishments. David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a color-shifting cuttlefish, a perfectly camouflaged octopus, and a Times Square's worth of neon light displays from fish who live in the blackest depths of the ocean.
[ted id=206]

2. Marc Koska: 1.3m reasons to re-invent the syringe. Reuse of syringes, all too common in under-funded clinics, kills 1.3 million each year. Marc Koska clues us in to this devastating global problem with facts, photos and hidden-camera footage. He shares his solution: a low-cost syringe that can't be used twice.
[ted id=664]

3. Gary Lauder's new traffic sign: Take Turns. Fifty percent of traffic accidents happen at intersections. Gary Lauder shares a brilliant and cheap idea for helping drivers move along smoothly: a new traffic sign that combines the properties of "Stop" and "Yield" -- and asks drivers to be polite.
[ted id=789]

4. Jake Woods: A new mission for veterans--disaster relief. After months or years fighting overseas, 92 percent of American veterans say they want to continue their service; meanwhile, one after another, natural disasters continue to wreak havoc worldwide. What do these two challenges have in common? Team Rubicon co-founder Jake Wood gives a moving talk on how veterans can effectively contribute to disaster relief responses -- and in the process, regain purpose, community and self-worth.
[ted id=1608]

Do any of you watch TEDTalks? Which one is your favorite, of these or otherwise?

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  1. These are so cool! My favorite was the Underwater Astonishments. So unbelievable! Thank you for sharing these :)

  2. Thanks! That was probably my favorite too. :)

  3. […] might have missed: Let’s Make Things Pretty: Free Fonts ♥ 4 Genius TEDTalks ♥ In Which I Try To Make You Like Something […]

  4. TED shows are always great! Thank you for sharing some links! :)

  5. Thanks! I'm so glad you like them.

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