Friday, December 12, 2014

Curated Weekly / 5

This week has been an infinite improvement on last week even though finals are starting and I'm still kind of sick. I had my plant science final on Tuesday and I'm not sure I did as well as I wanted to keep my A-. Sad. I also finished a big paper on blueberry breeding and commercial production in Florida and I'm happy to have that finished!

At my college, we get Thursday and Friday off for "reading days" so I've pretty much been studying all day. My church and small group both had Christmas parties on Wednesday night and last night, some friends and I had a late-night pancake party. Yay college. 

But I'm so excited to be heading home to NC in a few days. I miss H and my family and my friends! I still keep up with a couple of my high school friends and I haven't seen some of them since June. Also, H and I have lots of fun dates planned to celebrate our 1000 day anniversary, including a fun little day trip. Can you tell we like any excuse to celebrate?!

+ A gift guide for your ultra-cool, but elegant bff. (I would love half of these things!) [Cup of Jo]
+ 4 beautiful brush fonts. [Noor AlQahtani]
+ Beautiful and festive desktop wallpapers (I love #10, #11 and #15!). [Brit + Co]

Get Together / The Youngbloods

I am sooo close to being done with the semester. I have three more exams and then I'll be home! Unfortunately, I'll be getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday (I'm terrified!) and I'll be pretty out of commission for a good bit of my break. I just hope I'm all up to snuff by Christmas! 

I'm aiming to read at least two books over Christmas break, so my goal this week is to pick out a book to read and start it! Since I know you all have recommendations on what I should read, please leave me some comments! I have hardly been reading since school started so I don't even have much of a list going! 

So! What are you reading (book-wise and blog-wise)? What's going on with you lovely people?

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