Monday, September 8, 2014

Catching Up (+ Grateful Heart #3)

(Death to the Stock Photo)
Oh man guys. Classes are kicking my butt. Not just classes, but just the sheer options of things to do that take up my time. I've joined a gymnastics team, been going to mass, joined a Bible study small group, and have been working out all the time. I even tried out playing racquetball with some friends the other day! 

I've had so much fun with lots of new activities, but naturally, life on campus is a totally different ball game when it comes to time management. So this is my official word to you that I'm not going anywhere, but if I miss a post here and there and am quiet on social media for the next few weeks, know that I'm just learning how to plan out my time (so that I don't have pages of calculus to do an hour before it's due). 

So today, just to get back into the swing of things, I'm recapping a couple things that I'm grateful for. I've actually had a sort of stressful/funky day between an exhausting social event, a lot of school work and not feeling too great. But that's all the more reason to focus on the things that I'm grateful for!

+ A thriving community of active people. I didn't realize until I got here that my school is a campus of people that just love to be busy. People are always planning events and get togethers and adventures and there are always things to do (and if not...I've still got more calculus to do). 

+ I can tell I've really been growing in a positive way, away from anxiety. School has pulled me out of my comfort zone in a lot of ways. I moved to a new state, by myself, where I knew not a single person. It's been hard, but I've done it and I'm proud of myself. 

+ A whole host of things that have gone right when they good have gone wrong. All of my classes (except one required class) are really good. I love three out of my four professors (and the other one is still just fine). My roommate and I get along great. I'm finding a community within my Bible study group and the church that I've been going to.

That last one is what gets me. Even when I have a stressful night like tonight, it calms me down to remember that in the grand scheme of things, my life could be so much harder. 

And on that note, I'm going to get back to calculus. What are you grateful for this week?

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