Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Best of Call Me Sassafras in 2013

Wow, where do I begin? I began this lil baby of a blog on May 24th of this year and it has been such an adventure. I never imagined blogging would be such a big + fulfilling hobby of mine, just a few months later. So today, I just wanted to copy Z of Sometimes Z Takes Pictures and be a little nostalgiac + remember a couple of my favorite posts since May. 

In May, I struggled to figure out what exactly I wanted this blog to be, but I knew I wanted to be part of the blogging community. In this month, I found one of my favorite playlists ever on the Anthropologie spotify account (Cover it Up // An Anthropologie Playlist). A few days later, I opened up about what it's like to leave a childhood home for a much nicer house + shared some song lyrics that matched my feels (Thoughts on Moving Out).

In June, I got real and explained the real reason why I watch Jerry Springer--and why we need higher standards of honesty in our lives (Why I Like Jerry Springer).

In July, can I just solicit a few 'go you!' yells because I posted 34 times. It was a month full of inspiration and time to blog, which we all know isn't always plentiful. Right at the beginning, my boy H came and guest posted his Tips for Long Distance Relationships. This one ended up being a reader fave! Clearly y'all like him better than me...I also wrote my very first science post, on my hero Marie Curie (Marie Curie, Karate Chopping Stereotypes) and wrote a guide for maintaining a good mood (Funky Mood? Not for Long!).

In August, I wrote a series called Love Your Brain, which, you guessed it, is about loving your brain (Part one, two, three). I also shared some design tips that any blogger can use (Easy Peasy Tips to Make Your Blog Prettier in 5 Minutes).

In September, my favorite post wasn't even one by me! My friend Kate from Diaries of an Essex Girl shared 5 Ace Design Resources for Bloggers. But in my second favorite post of September, I enlightened y'all with 3 wonderfully weird music genres: celtic rock, electro-swing and gregorian chants (Weird Music Genres that Aren't Actually that Weird).

In October, I gave you my tips and tricks for managing school, jobs and life in general (Get Stuff Done). In October, I also switched from Wordpress to Blogger, making a very unorthodox blogging decision, but I've never looked back.

In November, I decided to rein in my design business and work with patience. I acknowledged that I'm still growing my skills + decided to offer blog design services. I also introduced one of my favorite projects to date that is currently helping me end 2013 on a high note and start 2014 right (Six Weeks of Wellbeing).

And finally, December. My favorite post of this month was where I got a little nerdy with you and showed you how to organize + make perfect playlists in iTunes (4 Ways to Get More Out of Your iTunes Library).

Just a heads up, a lot of my images got lost in the transfer from Wordpress to Blogger and I didn't bother to save them, so they're gone. Please forgive me for some old posts that may be missing pictures or are badly formatted! I'm slowly trying to fix them! 

Oh and if you really want to make my day, leave me a comment on an old post! Disqus decided to be stupid on me and lost all of my comments before the switch so most of my old posts don't have any comments! Sad face.

What was your favorite post of the year? Please share it in the comments!

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