Monday, August 11, 2014

Catching My Eye [links I like]

(Death to the Stock Photo)
I knowww it's Monday, but in lieu of our previously scheduled weekly goals post, I'm sharing some of my favorite links + recently read blog posts. Why? Well, for one, I just don't want to think about this week, much less plan goals. I'll get back to NC tonight, see H for three days and then move in at school (which means I won't see him for another six weeks :( sad!). Second, I've been catching up on blog posts this weekend and there is just so much good stuff coming out, you guys. I just had to share!

+ As I get ready to move into a dorm, I have to somehow decide which of my clothes to leave at home, and what to bring along. Gina (from Gina Alyse) talks about minimalism and why we shouldn't be afraid of downsizing our wardrobe.

+ Moving to central Florida calls and being a cold-weather kind of gal means I need help. Sarah Von from Yes and Yes helps with her tips for dealing with the heat. My favorite: putting bras in the freezer. Holy genius! Except, I almost can't take her seriously because she lives in Minnesota.

+ I didn't even know these were a legitimate thing, but oh my goodness, these Eames chairs are gorgeous.

+ Just because it looks delicious and--holy poop--actually not terribly hard (what is this witchcraft?!), this sweet and sour chicken recipe from The Sunshine Blog.

+ I'm sure you've heard them all before, but here's a reminder of to-do lists 101, thanks to Lifehacker (my fave!).

+ Because I'm looking for any way to make mornings a little happier and a little less "ughhh I want to be in bed," I may start doing these five morning stretches.

Welp. Now it's back to the car. Have a great Monday!

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