Sunday, January 19, 2014

Recent Design: Hannah of The Homesteady

Okay I'm all for racial equality (and all sorts of equality for that matter), but thank you dear Dr. King for getting me a day off tomorrow. And for some weird reason, I also have Tuesday off. Thank you holiday forces that be for giving me this mini-vacation! Unfortunately, I'll spend it writing papers and cleaning up the mess that generally accumulates wherever I am. Nevertheless, it's a day off.

Today I want to share with y'all one of my favorite recent designs. Okay, not so recent. Hannah approached back like before Thanksgiving to do a redesign for her blog The Homesteady before she switched to self-hosted wordpress. And write at the end of the email, she wrote "P.S. I think whale sharks are cool, too." So of course, we got along just splendidly. :)

I really really love how Hannah's design turned out. We had a palette of sort of muted jewel tones and balanced a woodsy feel in the type with some watercolor motifs in the navbar hovers in a way that feels really natural. Thank you Hannah for trusting me with your lovely blog!

If you're interested in working with me on blog design, please visit my custom design page or my template page for a more affordable option. Actually, let's be honest, all design options are super affordable right now as I work to build my portfolio. I'd love to work with you!

What do you think of Hannah's redesign? 

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