Saturday, November 9, 2013

happy things + taking it easy [free desktop wallpaper]

Hello m'dears! Happy Saturday! Something about today just feels like a good day, am I right?

I spent the morning at my brother's football game + the book store where I found a brand new magazine called "Live Happy". And of course, I just had to pick that baby up and take him home with me (after paying for it, duh). I haven't read it yet but I've flipped through it and it just looks great. It has articles about incorporating happiness in your work, relationships, health and just your life overall. You can read more about the magazine here.

On the note of happy things, I just wanted to share this article on Pope Francis embracing a disfigured man. I'm not Catholic, but it still impresses me to see a man as the face of the church who seems so genuinely loving. I think we all can support that, no matter our religion!

And again on the note of happy things, I want to share some design that I was working on last night. I've been practicing with handlettering and putting it on design. And so with autumn basically here, this design seemed just perfect! I love it and hope you do too--just click it to download!

Have a wonderful weekend; take it easy!


  1. Gorgeous wallpaper! I love font, what is it if you don't mind me asking?

    I love the sound of live happy magazine too! What a positive collection of reads!

  2. Happiness seems to be the theme lately! My university is even holding a series of "Happiness Lectures" this month.

  3. Ooh that sounds fun! I'd love to see some of those!

  4. It's handlettered actually, aka my handwriting!

  5. I just love the new Pope and I'm not religious at all. Any influential person who is as open minded and forward thinking as he is gets a thumbs up in my book.

  6. For sure! It's not so much is open-mindedness as much as a really practical love for people. I just think it's really admirable.

  7. Aw thanks! Haha and that's what I'm around for! :)
