Wednesday, September 11, 2013

3 weird music genres that aren't actually that weird.

This post was originally posted on Amanda K by the Bay.

So if you hang out around these parts, you know I'm all about owning my quirks (and you owning yours!), whether that includes my obsession with dinosaurs or tendency to sing really loud in the car!

One of said quirks is that I listen to weird music. But like good weird! When it comes to music, don't restrict yourself to a genre. Don't say, "I like rap!" or "I like pop" when there's so much more you probably haven't given a chance yet! So today for example, I'm gonna give you three kinds of music and I challenge you to give them a try. They sounded weird to me at first too, but there's beauty in trying something new!

Example one. Celtic rock. Wanted to feel classy and badass and dramatic all at the same time? This is for you. And I don't drink, but these sure would make a heck of a drinking song. Bagpipes can be awesome, man. Especially with those electric guitars. (More here.)



Example two. Electro-swing. Stick with me guys, just try them once! This is 1920s style swing, remixed with some techno. I don't like techno, but I love this kind of music. Start off easy with a cover of Macklemore's "Thrift Shop" and go on from there. The first two both have rad, retro videos too.



Example three, the weirdest of them all: Gregorian chants. So maybe this isn't music, but it's so relaxing to listen to, especially after a long stressful day. Like all of the above, give it a chance!

Gregorian Chants How about that! Very La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc, right?

So what did you think? Weird/worthless or weird/wonderful? Do you have any weird music likes? If you like things like this (or I do post "normal" music too), head over to my blog! You can see more playlists herehere and here. And be sure to know you're coming from here--leave your blog and I'll check you out!


  1. This is such a great post! I'm definitely a huge fan of Flogging Molly! I used to listen to Great Big Sea when I was younger, as well. I guess celtic rock is close to my heart ! thanks for sharing these, they were all fun to listen to :)

  2. Ah, Flogging Molly brings back such memories . . . Still love it :] And Gregorian Chants are just awesome. I mean, really. Yes. :]

  3. Ahh thanks Pinja! I looove me some Flogging Molly and Great Big Sea. And if you're feeling mellow, Celtic Woman is always quality!

  4. Yesss I'm so glad you appreciate them too! When I wrote this post I was like "am I completely weird?" so I'm glad you do too!

  5. hm, electro-swing, very fascinating! I don't think flogging molly is weird! and gregorian chants give me the chills, in a good way!

  6. I love flogging molly!!!! P.S I love you!!!! :D
